This skin is in-progress, and made by an amatuer blog-skinner. I try, ok? The content of this blog is weird. I don't know. Disclaimer!
so tell me a secret
Hello (: I am a happy person. This is my skinning blog.
i'll keep it safe
and i can't think of any more
cheap, lame, cheesy
April 2008 May 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009
one-liner wannabes
This skin was made by steamedbeetle. Fonts are from dafont. Images are found with google - links can be found under the source file.
so i'm done now please forgive this
Monday, September 29, 2008 19:42

worth starting?
i know the colours are plain and gray and yucky, but i didnt know what to use. its ash blue and gray and pink. how the pic?

eehee this is so dumb, im posting my cbox.

Friday, September 12, 2008 20:39

eeheehee look :D i am very happy with this skin because it ACTUALLY works on mozilla and ie and safari :D well, well enough at least. safari always screws it up. happy friday the twelfth everyone! :D umum what else? i know i shouldnt be posting so much since the EYAs are coming, but.. oh i should post that stuff on the real blog.

attiya PLEASE relink me.

ummm. comments on this skin please :D atti, if you happen to read this, PLEASE dont go LALALALALALALAALAAAAALALALA! -.-

Thursday, September 11, 2008 16:27
oh no, i think this skin is awful plain D: i cant seem to use anything but arial for my skins cause arials the best blogger supported one :\ the smilies and everything are super pretty(: that does not sound grammatically sound :\ i have a headache. i hope i can blog it away. probably cant. i thought maybe it was cause i didnt have water after netball during pe today, so i drank water and figured if it didnt go away in an hour i could take a panadol. my mom bought me a random gc cd :\ i mean i guess its real sweet and everything but i really have no clue what any of these songs are. oh well :D and you know i realized that in all their photos they dont include the drummer.

any suggestions for this skin? im gonna change the title bit now. other than that i really dont now what to do with it. all my skins are crud. but really it all depends on the image and i dont exactly make extraordinary images. meep. simple is best? my head hurts D: ok, back soon. i feel disgusting and dont want to go for piano. and no one has tagged on my blog for a long time D: someone tag this one?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 21:07
figures, this isnt exactly ideal for testing skins anymore cause ive made too many short posts. NOW: a quarter two dimes and three pence. (the world has its shine i would drop it on a dime for you)

now, long post (:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac turpis non risus suscipit semper. In id odio ac lacus suscipit pulvinar. Cras eu nunc. Integer non diam ac nulla aliquet feugiat. Fusce luctus pede sed arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin nulla. Quisque at sem vel diam tempus mattis. Nunc tincidunt. Phasellus a dolor. Pellentesque porttitor odio. Sed sed dui sit amet urna vulputate feugiat.

Ut ultricies rutrum massa. Vestibulum commodo nisi ut ipsum. Etiam vel nisi id quam gravida tempus. Quisque id neque. Cras lobortis, mi quis auctor consectetuer, ipsum tortor venenatis turpis, sit amet pretium erat risus id sapien. Pellentesque tempus, odio at molestie hendrerit, turpis orci fringilla erat, at faucibus sem enim imperdiet lorem. Vestibulum elementum ante non ante. Nunc porta enim vel dui. Fusce dictum magna vitae orci. Fusce ac libero.

Vestibulum consectetuer sem sit amet purus. Cras nibh arcu, accumsan nec, placerat ut, iaculis sed, nisi. Mauris elementum sodales orci. Nulla a mauris et pede feugiat ultricies. Fusce ac lorem. In et velit quis risus tempus pharetra. Mauris nunc. Donec dapibus sodales odio. Praesent urna nibh, ultrices ut, malesuada dictum, porta vitae, urna. In tellus. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque suscipit enim. Quisque auctor sagittis magna. Aenean commodo nisl non magna. Mauris lorem velit, facilisis ut, sodales sed, aliquam et, purus. Aenean malesuada tempus lacus. Mauris velit ante, commodo ut, semper quis, ultrices quis, velit. Suspendisse id sem sit amet velit aliquet suscipit. Suspendisse varius nulla quis diam laoreet scelerisque.

Mauris purus neque, volutpat et, lacinia in, vehicula quis, nisi. Maecenas lobortis interdum libero. Donec quis arcu. In in leo. Praesent varius, est vitae malesuada hendrerit, nisi libero elementum massa, dignissim varius erat sem non enim. Vivamus sollicitudin. Pellentesque tempor pulvinar leo. Sed libero risus, bibendum eget, laoreet id, mattis vitae, turpis. Proin scelerisque ante sed lacus. Integer tincidunt turpis. Vivamus et eros. Donec leo leo, tristique bibendum, lobortis ac, luctus eget, nibh. Etiam malesuada ligula. Praesent ipsum libero, viverra a, ornare eu, facilisis a, augue. Suspendisse sodales. Aliquam tempus enim.

Aenean a neque congue nunc rhoncus accumsan. Suspendisse semper arcu ac ante. Praesent magna. Etiam libero. Integer venenatis enim vitae nibh. Nulla sollicitudin dapibus urna. Donec molestie lorem in ante. Cras auctor dui sit amet enim. Sed molestie laoreet augue. Nullam felis turpis, adipiscing sed, mattis ac, vehicula sit amet, orci. Duis varius egestas risus. Etiam vel lacus. Nam consectetuer. Sed vestibulum elit id erat.

Quisque sed lacus sit amet purus consectetuer ornare. Duis sed tortor quis lectus tincidunt hendrerit. Nunc vel metus quis lorem gravida egestas. Duis egestas dapibus felis. Morbi eget nisl. Donec pellentesque. Mauris imperdiet tortor et nulla. Praesent sapien ligula, iaculis vitae, ultrices quis, aliquet id, ante. Donec tempus dolor id leo. Donec et tortor nec arcu pellentesque semper. Cras convallis ultrices ante. Proin eu velit. Mauris arcu metus, tincidunt id, mattis a, ultrices eu, tortor. Etiam cursus lorem sed dolor. Mauris et est pulvinar risus dictum mollis.

i wanted to see what a blockquote looked like here (:


Friday, September 5, 2008 12:00
eep. i know i kinda went a little too over the top with this skin. too much pink. yuck. i really want to make one more skin but i must work (hah as if) and kell is hogging the comp i use for skinning because the mac is laggy. so for now i will use someone else's skin (: ie blogger classics.